Friday, October 3, 2008

the epic battle part 2

given what sarah palin did on the katie couric interview, i was expecting her to say something like that pakistan and israel were the same country in the debate. so i was pleasently suprised when she didn't do that bad of a job.
my personal opinions on the debate
1. why is everyone unable to pronounce "iran" "iraq" and "nuclear". is that like a requirement or something if you want to run for high ranking governmental office? because it's not that hard to pronounce any of them...
2. sarah palin's eyelashes and biden's teeth. biden's teeth are like scary white. and palin's eyelashes look kind of painted on. you notice those things when you see their faces in close up for an hour and a half.
3. who thought it was totally sad/cute that biden got all choked up when he was talking about his dead wife? i had a total "oh. poor guy. i feel so sorry for him" moment. very well done.
4. sarah palin's hair. the entire debate i was wondering how palin was wearing her hair. it was kinda a braid, but not really.
5. i had no idea that obama was anti-gay marriage...very distressing.


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