Thursday, October 16, 2008

i had a good idea for this, but then i forgot it

i had a good idea as to what to talk about...but then i forgot what it was going to be. so i'll just ramble once again
1. they might make a doctor who movie. that makes me so excited. it might be hard to make it so that american audiences understand the plot-line, but that can be solved by introducing a new companion b/c the doctor tells his life story to all his new companions
2. tomorrow is friday. duh. but i'm so excited b/c this week has been really tiring for some reason and i really need the break
3. math. i totally get how to find the center of a rotation now. it is getting so easy for me. i'm really happy about that because i was having all this trouble with it...
4. culture. this new frozen yogurt place opened by my hairdresser's. it's the whole organic, sour yogurt thing like fraiche, but it's a lot smoother, which i like.
5. check out it's these two women making fun of celebs bad taste in clothes. they are genius. and it makes you laugh.

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