Saturday, September 27, 2008

the epic battle part 1

being a good american citizen, i have been keeping track of the election. which includes reading what the papers have to say about sarah palin and watching the debates.
so. last night i decided to watch the first presidential debate between john mccain and barack obama. i am an obama fan, but even so, i feel like mccain did a good job defending his opinions, even if don't agree with them.
except for one thing. i hated how mccain always mispronounced "iran" and "iraq". that was just don't have that much to say about politics at the moment, but more will come...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

epic greek poems

so...right now in english, we're reading the odyssey. at first, i thought it'd suck because it was some old epic poem. and let's just say i had a bad expierence with beowolf while i was in england.
but the odyssey is AWESOME. i'm not even kidding about how awesome it is. i thought it'd be all boring and hard to explain, but it isn't. it's actually really easy to explain understand. and the plot moves on really quickly, so it's not boring....
and the best bit is that Telemakhos(probably spelling it wrong) is HOT!!! i know he's a fictional character and all, but if he was a real person, he would be hot. like seriously hot. i'm not even kidding. the stuff he says is hot. plus he's all day-dreamy and stuff.
now, i'll go back to reading the odyssey and obsessing over telemakhos...
ps. btw, i got this awesome email a few days ago from this girl in my grade who wanted to read my blog but didn't have the address. it made me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

spirit week

usually, i'm not a spirited person. if i went to a normal co-ed school, i would not be on the cheerleading team(well, for other reasons as well). i wouldn't be one of those people who'd go to football games and pep rallies and all that fun cheesy stuff...
but this week at school, it's spirit week. and spirit week is crazy fun. at my school, everyone dresses up. if you don't dress up, no one will talk to you for the rest of the day. well, that's not quite true, but most people will be kinda pissed. and everyone puts up tons of decorations. like today, our theme was meat and we had red streamers and signs everywhere. literally everywhere. it was awesome. and we had a sign that said "welcome to the butcher" with "blood" on it.
anyways, each day, a grade's supposed to win spirit. but the seniors win every day because it's rigged and all that good stuff. but even so, we all dress up and run around and act completely insane. but that's half the fun...

Sunday, September 21, 2008

my new life goal's offical...i'm going to create a tv show. b/c then i could make characters that everyone loved and make lots and lots of money. and i could control character's fates.
for example.
on house md: i'd have cameron totally have an affair with wilson and break chase's heart. and house and cuddy would have had a one night stand sometime during season 3. and maybe kutner and thirteen would have made out...
or on doctor who: i would have made the second to last episode of season 4 the finale of season 4, so season 5 could be just martha and rose and jack fighting over the doctor...but mickey and martha would have ended up together anyways...and there would be no doctor clones...
or on psych: juliet and shawn would have made out.
well. you get the idea. i want to control people's fates!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

saying goodbye

no...i'm not ending this blog just yet...
last night, i had a dream. basically, in my dream, my grandmother actually hadn't died. the doctors thought she had but she was getting better because they had given her the wrong drugs by accident, but then she stopped taking them. i knew that it was only a dream, but i really really really wanted it to be real.
when i woke up, i realised something. i never really got to say goodbye to her. the last time i talked to her, i thought that'd she'd be all right. we talked about how boring i thought history was. and her friend was there, which meant we really couldn't talk to her. and i said good-bye at the end of that trip, but i thought i'd get to talk to her again. but i didn't. the last time i saw her alive, she was asleep and i couldn't even go into the room. i was too scared to. i knew i was going to begin crying and i didn't want anyone to see how afraid i was. i waited until my sister began to cry. and while she was sobbing and talking to my parents, i just sat there.
that's all i ever do. i just sit there. i don't do anything to change my life. i except other people to change it for me. and i hate that.
on sunday, we went up to my grandmother's apartment to chose something we wanted to remind us of her. personally, i didn't want anything, but i had to go anyways. i was okay, until i saw her purse. it was as if she had only left for a few minutes and was going to come back. but she's not coming back. ever. and then to hear my parents talk about how much money all her stuff was worth and how expensive it would be to get it moved out of the apartment. that was the worst bit.
i'm scared. last night's episode of house was all about this young business-woman who is dieing and they think she has lymphona. and she says that it's better to watch the birds than waste your time wishing that you have wings. i need to learn to do that. i think it would make my grandmother proud.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hair Straightners

so...on saturday i got my haircut. now it's all short and full of layery goodness, which i love because it's going to be easy to take care off.
this morning, i was straightening my hair so it could be all cute and stuff for school. and i was thinking. you know how in magazines they always have how you can make your hair look like your favorite movie stars hair in 5 easy steps??? well they lie. because it is not easy to make your hair look like that. i know because i tried once at camp to make my hair look like natalie portman and it failed
and i realized, after burning my self of the hair straightner for the fifth time, to just let my hair do whatever it wanted. i'm not sure what the moral of that story is

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

lasagna and the quadratic equation

okay... house is filled with random food made by random people. the whole theory is that my mom can't cook b/c she's so distraught by my grandmother's death. so people are brining us food. it's actually quite nice. we have had pastries, lasagna and zuchinni bread...the pastries were absolutely amazing...i haven't had the lasagna or bread yet.
so...i was doing my math homework and thinking about something that always bugged me. you know when you have a math problem and you spend forever on it and then you realize that you have to solve the stupid quadratic equation? i hate when that happens...i was thinking about that because our math homework is all about graphs. and graphs are the one thing i really despise b/c you have to draw out the axis's and if you make a mistake with the points, everything's totally screwed up...and it's all so annoying
okay. going to go now. need to sleep.

Monday, September 8, 2008

shaving cream

do you know what i have suddenly fallen totally in love with? my shaving cream. it's from aveeno and it's all natural and organic and stuff. and it smells amazingly good and is all soft. and best of all, it makes my legs totally smooth.
let me just say that anything organic is amazing and wonderful. like, whole foods is the best supermarket ever. actually, when i go to whole foods, i just eat all the samples b/c they are the best bits. i mean, free food??? who wouldn't want it? and it's good for you because it's organic.
um...i've ran out of things to say
talk to you guys soon


do you what is insanely unfair? the fact that i have to wake up at 5:50 tomorrow to get to school on time. basically, we're going on this class bonding trip and we have to be at school at 7:15 so we can get there on time. it's not that bad if you live only a few minutes from school, but if you live in the boondocks like me, it's not so cool. especially when you hate getting up before 6:30.
whatever. i'll survive. with lots of sugar.

just another little poem

i'm trying to write more from the heart now. here's another poem i wrote. basically, the last time i saw my grandmother, in the middle of our visit, there was a "code blue" on her floor. that means that someone was in cardiac arrest. this poem's a bit about that.

"code blue"

just two words running through the hall
code blue is all they say code blue
machines beep louder out of control
and then silence
broken by a loud wail of pain
we all sit together quiet
but it's not like it's going to happen
you're supposed to be realesed
in just a few days
you just felt a little sick
who'd know that in two days
we'd find that you had been dieing
and in another few days
you would be still in death
and that the wail of pain
would come from us, from me
maybe there'd be another family
sitting in a hospital room, quiet
wondering what was happening
as they shouted code blue
-amy rosch

i hope you like this poem

Sunday, September 7, 2008


as i said before, my grandmother died a few days ago.
and honestly, i have no idea of how to handle it. the last time someone in my family died was when i was six. that person was my greatgrandfather, who i probably saw a grand total of five times.
my grandmother was the grandparent i was closest too. she was the one i spent the most time with, had the most fun with and learned the most from. i knew for over a year that she had terminal lukemia, but first the doctors said she could have ten years left, than five years, then one year, then six months, then one months, then a few weeks, then a few days and then finally a few hours. she died about two years after she was diagnosed. so much for what the doctors said.
and the thing is, i'm not feeling much. i was sadder when i found out that heath ledger died. i didn't even know him, but i was still sadder. my father, who hated my grandmother, was crying for hours. i just sat there. the thing is, i never got to say goodbye to her. she never knew that i said goodbye. and that's because i didn't.
here's a poem i wrote in honor of her.

you sit there all alone
so small and so weak
you're sleeping now
unable to feel the pain
there's just peace for you
but there's none for me
i watch you, the tears falling
wishing i could say goodbye
but i can't
i'm too scared
please know that i said goodbye
-amy rosch

thanks for reading this


i just got a pretty scathing post about how much i suck as a writer. i'm not made at who wrote it. i just reread everything i wrote and i realize that they are right. i was trying too hard to be funny and i just ended up sounding really stupid and annoying. i'm also sorry for keep telling people to comment and tell their friends about it.
i'm not good at telling people how i feel face to face. and i just want people to know how i feel and what i think. i'm not really sure how to do a blog because this is my first one and i understand that it sucks pretty bad. i'm going to try to some how make this better. if any of you have any ideas of how i could do this, that would be great.
i really want this to work out. i'm not even sure what i'm trying to do. it's just that i want to talk and have someone listen. please try to bear with me.
extra51(amy rosch)


okay, i'll admit it. i fence. and it is the coolest thing ever. why? because you get to hit people with swords/hang out with awesome people/act totally insane. it's really fun. and also, it's a great excuse for a boy-deprived girl(me) to meet guys. ok. the guys are pretty geeky. like once two of them spent ten minutes debating which type of weapon is better to have Halo 3. and i wouldn't really want to date any of them. except daniel b/c daniel is amazing.
oh. and then there's valeriy. valeriy is my totally awesome ukranian fencing coach. he is the funniest guy i know and i love him dearly. we all love him, actually. he's really funny and sarcastic and just totally fun to be with. except he has a mean sense of humor. and he hits you sometimes. but he means it in a nice way.
um...the whole fencing thing is pretty hard to explain. so i'll explain it more in a post just about who's who at fencing.

all-girl's school

okay...confession...i go to an all-girl's school. oh the horrors! no. actually, it's not that bad. we don't go running around in slutty school-uniforms or make out with our friends between classes or seduce our teachers or anything like that. if you want a basic idea of what my school(castilleja) is like, watch "st. trinians"
okay, yeah...if you go to an all-girl's school, your social life is pretty much hanging out with your friends, doing homework and acting insane. but, hey, you can still meet guys(this is a hint for all my guy-friends to comment on this post) all-girl's schools aren't that bad. you just need to get used to wearing a sailor suit once in a while

hey(my first blog) is my first blog-post. ever. in my entire life. i have a facebook(amy rosch is my username) and a fanfiction account(extraordinary reinditions is my username), but i've never had a blog. weird, huh...
so why i made a blog? no idea, actually. just seemed like a lot of fun. i really want people to know how i'm feeling, so if you guys could read my blog and then tell all your friends about it, that'd be awesome...