Sunday, September 7, 2008


okay, i'll admit it. i fence. and it is the coolest thing ever. why? because you get to hit people with swords/hang out with awesome people/act totally insane. it's really fun. and also, it's a great excuse for a boy-deprived girl(me) to meet guys. ok. the guys are pretty geeky. like once two of them spent ten minutes debating which type of weapon is better to have Halo 3. and i wouldn't really want to date any of them. except daniel b/c daniel is amazing.
oh. and then there's valeriy. valeriy is my totally awesome ukranian fencing coach. he is the funniest guy i know and i love him dearly. we all love him, actually. he's really funny and sarcastic and just totally fun to be with. except he has a mean sense of humor. and he hits you sometimes. but he means it in a nice way.
um...the whole fencing thing is pretty hard to explain. so i'll explain it more in a post just about who's who at fencing.


Catherine R. said...

fencing is so epic. anybody who says otherwise is stupid.

Anonymous said...

catherine-stop saying everything is "epic"