Sunday, October 19, 2008


so...i haven't been getting any comments lately. i know that people might be annoyed about the disney channel post/the politics posts...i'm sorry if you disagree with me, but i'll try to accept that.
i'm actually considering ending this blog. i've been putting a lot of effort into this but i haven't really been getting anything back from it...i'd love input about whether or not i should keep doing this blog. what do you guys think?


Anonymous said...

i read it like every day.....even though i dont like some of ur posts it still helps me procrastinate...haha
i know i havent commented recently cuz ive been super busy and havent been able to comment...

Anonymous said...

don't end the blog! i've subscribed and i read every time there's a new post. i don't always comment but i really love reading it. i'm sure there are a lot of other readers who don't comment too, because its sortof a hassle to comment sometimes if you're in a rush with the word verification and such. but dont stop!

Anonymous said...

you shouldn't make the blog for people you need to do it for your own reasons. If it is such a big deal I people comment, think about your beloved Charlie he didn't start on YouTube to be popular he did it for himself. If want to male this blog to be famous I would take a different approch to your blog

Anonymous said...

you make it sound like you're about to commit suicide or something. it's only a blog. chill. and the last anonymous is right. if fame's all you got in mind, you have seriously got to get a life.