Tuesday, November 4, 2008

a new era

i'm still in shock that obama won. i thought it couldn't happen because it seems almost too good to be true. but it's not because he won.
might i just say that i LOVED the speech he gave. it was amazingly eloquent and heartfelt and beautiful and it made me want to start crying...it was so good. i am so glad that america pulled itself together and did the right thing by voting for him. maybe we'll actually be respected in the international community. i really think things are going to change for the better. i'm actually excited for the future for once.
and also, let me just say, that his daughters are so adorable. i am so excited to have their be kids in the white house. there haven't been kids in the white house since kennedy. that is way too long.
and by the way, when i said the thing about respecting the people at my school who stood up and voted for mccain, what i meant was that i really respect people who stand up for what they believe in even if they are in the minority. i know that that is something i need to work on.
congratulations obama.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kick-ass speech