Saturday, November 22, 2008

new topic...

okay. thanks to one of my anonymous commenters, i have something to talk about. myself.
basically, i was born in los angeles on the same day as my sister catherine(duh!). i lived in los angeles until i was about two and a half. then, we moved up to northern california. we lived in ladera for a few months. then, we lived in menlo park from when i was three until i was around seven. right before second grade we moved to woodside. and that's where i've lived ever since. it only took a few years to get used to living in the middle of the wilderness(kidding, woodside isn't that remote). but now i love woodside, even if i complain about it all the time.
um....what else can i say about favorite color is either light green or light grey(as my roommate in england discovered pretty quickly). i want to live on the east coast when i grow up. i want to go to Williams for college. and i want to become a published novelist, hopefully before i'm thirty. favorite thing to have for dinner would be macaroni and cheese. um...can't think of anything else to say...

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