Tuesday, November 18, 2008

thanks....but no thanks

a lot of you have asked me to maybe give my dream cast for my novel. sadly, i won't be doing that for two big reasons.
1. if it ever gets published and made into a movie, it won't be for a few years, so all my ideas as to who should play who will be too old.
2. all the main characters are teenagers. i have no wish to see my characters being corrupted and portrayed by the likes of disney channel stars, who would most likely play them.
sorry...i guess i won't be making up a cast for it anytime soon.
however, if you want me to cast other books into movies, give me suggestions.


Anonymous said...

cast the oddessy!

Anonymous said...

ew no, we already had to do that in class...if u hav applestein

Anonymous said...

we didn't have to do that and i have appelstein