Tuesday, November 25, 2008

did you know...

you can't buy the beatles on iTunes??? doesn't that seem oddly messed up and unfair to you??? it's the beatles for goodness sakes...not allowing on iTunes is a crime...and it's all EMI's fault...Paul Mc Cartney is willing to let the Beatles be on iTunes...
although, i guess it's a good thing. my mother always complains that iTunes is destroying cds and record stores and whatnot...i'm actually rather conflicted about the whole beatles thing.
i like iTunes. i only use it for the free songs(they had Christmas songs! i love christmas songs!) and for the weird iTunes radio...but i don't really buy stuff from iTunes anymore. considering i only have fifty four cents left.
that's all folks.


Anonymous said...

they used to have the beatles on itunes...i own like 15 songs that i bought on itunes. maybe it has something to do with the dispute over the apple trademark

Catherine R. said...

i can't believe they don't have beatles on itunes. its just wrong. probably it is about the trademark, since their record company's logo is also an apple, i think.