Thursday, November 6, 2008


so...the big anti-gay thing in the bible can be found at leviticus 18:22. the exact passage is "you shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." well, it turns out that this passage was mistranslated. according to those people who study the bible for a living, the word that is translated "abonmination" actually means "a foreign practice". that's definitly a rather big mistake...are things wrong because other cultures do them???'s totally annoying how a simple mistranslation can ruin so many people's lives.
and besides, people ignore a lot of the bible. we don't usually preform animal sacrafices or kill people who commit divorce. either, we should follow all of the bible or we should follow none of it. you can't just pick and choose.
let's hope prop 8 gets overturned soon


Anonymous said...

leviticus also says that it is a sin to wear mixed fabrics. so we have to take whatever it says with a grain of salt. or a large handful.

Anonymous said...

heartily agreed with the first anonymous!

Anonymous said...

hmm you might find this interesting...its a religious perspective on gay rights.