Friday, November 21, 2008

house of bernarda alba

so...i went to see the upper school play, house of bernalda alba. it was absolutely amazing.
to quickly summarize: house of bernalda alba(hoba) is about a mother and five daughters in mexico. the father of the family has died. the eldest daughter is engaged. the youngest daughter loves her sisters fiancee. the mother abuses the daughters.
sound bleak? it is. i don't think there was one moment that made me want to laugh because it was funny. maybe because i felt uncomfortable. but not because it was funny. but even so, hoba was amazing. after watching it, i really began thinking about some of the issues it brings up.
i would really suggest seeing it if you haven't already. the cast and crew did an amazing job and even if you don't like bleak stuff, go see it. please.


Anonymous said...

sorry but it takes place in spain (hence the mantillas) and the mother doesn't abuse the daughters sheh just has a strict policy in her house

Amy said...

i'm sorry. i'm not an expert on spainish vs. mexican culture.
and the mother does not so much physically abuse her daughters, although she does beat them with a cane in some scenes, it's more pshycologial(i can't spell) abuse.

Anonymous said...

its thoba not hoba