Thursday, November 27, 2008

i did it!!!

omg....i did it!!! i made it to 50,000 words on my novel for nanowrimo. actually, i went a little above. i made it to 50,068 words. does this mean that the novel is done being written? of course not. i still have a lot of writing left to do before my roughest of rough drafts is even close to being done. but it doesn't matter. i did it. i beat nanowrimo. i am a "winner". i have collected my "winner's goodies"
i'm actually rather proud of myself. when i began, i was all "oh. 50,000 words. how hard can it be?" actually, it is hard. there were days when i wanted to give up because my characters just wouldn't do what they told me to or when i was frantically typing in an attempt to write 250 words in a minute so that i could meet the deadline. but in the end, i made. i reached 50,000 words. and i am proud of myself.


Anonymous said...

yay! what is this winners prize? post it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

good job