Monday, November 3, 2008

one more day...

the election is tomorrow...i'm really really worried. i don't know why but i just can't obama actually becoming president. it seems too good to be true. but i also can't see mccain actually winning. maybe if he hadn't chosen sarah palin, things would be different, but...
did you all hear about obama's grandma. i think that's so sad. if she had lived 36 hours she might have seen her grandson be the first non-white president. so close, yet so far...
the one thing i'm terrified of happening is that prop 8 will pass. people should get to marry who they want to. and it never says exactly in the bible(to my limited knowledge) that marriage is the union between a man and a woman...
by the way, i did know that torchwood is an anagram of doctor who. what kind of whovian would i be if i didn't know that?


Anonymous said...

notice the "to my limited knowledge" aka you are not correct...the bible does actually refer to marriage being between a man and a woman...not saying that you shouldnt be able to express you opinion..but i am just correcting what you said

Anonymous said...

just wondering, but do u think u culd say what passage?

Anonymous said...

well whoever is stupid enough to question me probably doesnt even own a why should i go through the time and effort to post it on here???

Anonymous said...

ooh, they dont own a bible! theyre not worth your effort then!

Anonymous said...

(from 2nd anonymous)
i do own multiple bibles and i went to a christian school. sorry i dont hav the entire thing memorized completely. but seeing as u can't state the passage, i doubt even you know.

but the bible does refer to marriage being between a man and a woman (like roles of a husband and wide), but it never states specifically that gay marriage is wrong, or that being straight is the way to go...